WTM Oslo joins Centres across Europe and around the world that have been established to ensure this invaluable and transformational understanding of the human condition is shared far and wide to psychologically liberate and rehabilitate humanity.
To start your journey with this liberating and all-healing understanding, we encourage you to access all the free material — including essays, videos and books — that is available on the WTM’s website at www.HumanCondition.com. We especially recommend you watch THE Interview and Videos 1–4 & 14 that appear there.
We also encourage people to learn more about, share and discuss these insights into the human condition by subscribing to the WTM’s mailing list. As a subscriber you will be notified of free, interactive, live events with Jeremy Griffith and others that are hosted on the WTM’s website and on Facebook. We also encourage you to participate in the interactive activity on the WTM’s website and in its Facebook Group, where there is much helpful and thought-provoking discussion taking place.
So explore, feel free to read and connect to our work and reach out whenever you need; we are here and willing to hear from you and support as much as we can. Takk skal du ha!